The Tycoon's Virgin Mistress Page 8
He waited until the long line of people keen to praise her had finally dissipated, and then whispered in her ear, “Well, doctor, I think it’s time I took you home, hmmm?”
She looked into his dark eyes and nodded mutely. The adrenalin of doing what she had trained for, the vocation she had always passionately aspired to, filled her with another type of adrenalin, and her body throbbed with desire. “Let’s go.”
They slipped out unnoticed, not even pausing to say goodbye to Chuck and Mary, in the interests of making a quick getaway. Once ensconced in the spacious backseat of his Rolls Royce, being driven through the ancient city, he asked the question that had been burning inside his brain.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Missy?”
“Tell you what? That I’m not a waitress? Would it have made a difference in how you treated me? Might you have had more respect for me if you’d known I could save your life in the event of an accident?” She was teasing him, but beneath her question there was a serious edge. He had always prided himself on being egalitarian, but now, he wondered if she had a point. He hated to think that of himself, though. He shook his head.
“No. It wouldn’t have made a difference. Though I never would have offered you this job. You said you couldn’t find work. Why not? Did you leave your old job under a cloud? Malpractice suit?”
She punched his upper arm playfully. “Absolutely not. I’ll have you know I was highly regarded.”
“I’m not surprised by that, doc.” He said seriously, and her heart began to race. “I don’t understand how you could leave such a major detail out...”
She leaned across and placed her hand on his knee, looking at the way her long fingers curled around his muscular leg. “I don’t really want to talk right now.”
She batted her eyelids up at him. “It’s a funny thing, saving someone’s life. It always gives me a rush. It’s the most satisfying thing you can imagine. Well, almost the satisfying.” She sighed.
“My dear doctor, have you forgotten our embargo on relations of that nature?”
“I’m proposing we both forget for the next hour or two.”
He wished he had the strength to hold her to her own compunctions, but he didn’t. He was flesh and blood, and he’d been wanting this since she’d run out on him, that first night they’d met. He leant forward and addressed his security man. “Get us home as fast as you can, Thompson,” he urged the driver.
He turned to Missy, wanting an insurance policy that she wouldn’t change her mind.
“We’re still ten minutes from home.”
His look sent a jolt of electricity zinging through her body.
He ran one hand along her leg, from her knee to her thigh, slipping it under her dress. His other arm was stretched along the back of the seat, behind her shoulders, and it stroked the naked flesh he found there. His eyes bore into hers.
As his fingers reached beneath her flimsy underwear and plunged into her core, she squeezed her eyes shut.
“Don’t,” he said immediately, through clenched lips. “Don’t shut your eyes. I want to see you enjoy this.”
She blinked and stared up into his face. He pleasured her in innumerable ways, his fingers caressing her inside, and then out, and when she thought she would almost faint from the build-up of sexual desire, he plunged his fingers back inside her, and stroked her clitoris, bringing her closer and closer to climax. She closed her eyes on instinct and he commanded again, hoarsely, “Open.”
With a low moan, she opened them, and stared into his jet black eyes as she felt herself tip completely over the edge. Conscious of the driver, she tried not to make a sound, but she felt like screaming. Before her breath had fully returned to normal, they’d returned to the hotel.
“Hold that thought,” he muttered, taking her by the hand and pulling her after him, into the foyer.
As soon as they were in the elevator, as if terrified reality would intrude and they would both re-think the wisdom of this, he pushed her against the wall and trapped her in the strong triangle formed by his legs. He put a hand on either side of her head and kissed her hard, driving anything but her all-consuming need for him from her brain.
When the doors opened, she was panting.
“Thank heavens we’re back,” she said breathily.
“Hallelujah.” He added with a grin, pushing the door open with his shoulder.
“Which room?”
“No time.” He pushed her to the sofa and lay on top of her, aching to dispense with their clothes and be back inside her. For months, now, he’d been tortured by the memory of how fulfilling she had been.
“This is a beautiful dress, but I think what’s underneath is far more beautiful,” he murmured, easing the dress over her head. She hadn’t worn a bra- the dress had so much moulding that it fit like a glove. There were only her pants, a little scrap of silky cotton, to be removed, and then, she was naked. He groaned at the sight of her lying beneath him, felt his erection zing desperately for a part of the action.
“This isn’t fair,” she panted, reaching up and pushing his jacket off. Her fingers were shaking too much to remove his shirt and impatiently, he tore at it, popping several buttons as he did so. He stood to shake off his pants. Finally, they were both naked, and both so desperately hungry.
“You look like yourself again,” his voice was wondrous as he trailed kisses across her décolletage and breasts. “You were too skinny for a while there.”
Her cheeks coloured when she thought of the reason for her apparent weight gain. It wasn’t the time to think about that. She wanted this to happen. She needed him. Whatever happened between them later was unimportant.
“Don’t want to talk,” she grumbled. She desperately wanted to avoid reality intruding. “Just want you.”
“Fair enough,” he smiled hungrily. She blushed at the size of his manhood, finding it hard to believe something so enormous could be accommodated inside of her. She was mesmerized by his beauty as he slid on the condom, digging her nails into her palms with the knowledge of what was about to happen.
Without preamble, he came to lean on top of her and, watching her face for signs of discomfort, mindful of her inexperience, he took her slowly, easing his girth into her sweet, moist, heavenly centre. She bucked as he entered her, pressing her palms against his rear to drive him in further, faster!
“I’m trying to go slowly, doc,” he muttered hungrily.
“Don’t. Don’t go slowly. I want you, all of you. No holds barred.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“Please. I do,” she begged.
He couldn’t stand it anymore. He drove himself into her, gasping with pleasure when she completely surrounded his throbbing hard dick. She was perfection. She screamed, with pure, white hot pleasure. He recognised total sexual oblivion and Missy was there. He began to move inside of her, rocking her backwards and forwards on the sofa, feeling her fulfilment once, and then again, watching her lose control, feeling her convulse around him, and each time, he held back. It took all the strength he possessed but pleasuring her was addictive.
She was almost whimpering after she climaxed for a third time. Her lower lip was pink and swollen from where she’d bitten it so hard. His back, he knew, would be ravaged with tracks where her nails had dug in and dragged down. “Sexual torture...” she said accusingly, wrapping her long legs around him.
He couldn’t bear to restrain himself any longer. He pumped into her, waited to feel her muscles contracting, getting closer and closer to explosion, and when he sensed she was so close to the edge, he drove them both over it, releasing himself with an almighty roar.
It was an earth-shattering release, and he collapsed on top of her, not wanting to pull out. He stayed there, inside her, for as long as he could, feeling her muscles spasm and react to this newfound pleasure. She was sexual dynamite. She was addictive. She was captivating. Oh God. He wanted her again already.
He raised his head and stared into her eyes. She was just looking at the ceiling, her eyes suspiciously moist.
Not wanting the spell to break, he stayed there. “How is it possible, my dear doctor, that you hadn’t experienced that before me?”
As he said the words, he was seared with triumph, knowing that he was the only man who had ever possessed her. The thought of her being with someone else filled him now with a strange and unfamiliar emotion.
“Has anyone experienced that before?” She quipped, then shrugged. “It’s just never really interested me. Until I met you,” she said, shyly.
“I’m damned pleased to hear it,” he remarked. “Now, what I wanted that night we were first together was run you a soaking hot bath and enjoy sponging every single inch of you.. How does that sound?”
“Oh! Is that what you were doing?”
“That night we first met? Yes. When I had got the bath running, I came out to find you gone. You can’t imagine my disappointment at having missed part II of that particular performance. Though I must say, you could win an Olympic medal for how quickly you dressed and bolted.” He didn’t tell her that he’d pulled clothes on and gone after her. That he hadn’t been able to find her in any direction.
“Why?” He asked from between narrowed eyes. “What did you think?”
“I thought you were showering me away.” Her voice was so melancholy, so hurt, that he kissed her, tenderly, gently, with a sweetness he hadn’t even known he was capable of feeling.
“Never.” A feeling he’d never known before burst in his chest and he faltered for a moment. He was used to great sex, but the tenderness he felt was unusual. He didn’t want to examine it now, so he pushed it out of his mind. “Come.”
She stood up and felt an ache in her core. He saw her telling wince and immediately pulled her towards him. “Was I too rough?” His face was etched with concern.
“No!” She denied hotly. “You’re just very big. I think it will take me a while to get used to that.”
“Does this mean our sex embargo is officially removed?”
She put a finger to her lip and pretended to consider. “It’s under consideration,” she said firmly.
What had possessed her to seduce him that night was beyond her. As she lay in his bed, tangled amongst his limbs and the bed sheets, his leg possessively flung across her, she still had no answer to that.
Desire, certainly.
Jealousy, absolutely.
Stupidity, without doubt.
After all, she was carrying this man’s baby. Their situation was already so complicated, but to bring sex into the equation was sheer madness.
Missy was determined to tell him about the baby, but she decided then and there that she would wait until she absolutely couldn’t keep it secret any longer. She still wasn’t showing, and she hoped against hope that she might have another few weeks up her sleeve. By then, she would have had an opportunity to see where this was going. If it petered out, then at least she would know, and wouldn’t spend the rest of her life looking at her baby’s daddy, wondering if he was the one who got away.
No, it was far better to get this out of their system now, and then move on with the rest of their lives. Or not? A small voice inside her head whispered mischievously. But Missy refused to listen to it. Fairytales didn’t really come true, and a life with Nate Anderson was most definitely a fairytale.
Two days later, Missy was on a private plane, heading to a private island, off the southern coast of Italy, with her private-fake-boyfriend. Missy had never been abroad before, and certainly never to a beautiful tropical island. Nate had dropped news of the trip on her at the last minute. He had owned the small island for several years, but not known what to do with it. Now, he was meeting with a Swedish architect firm with a view to converting it into a six star destination.
As they flew, he explained to Missy his plans for the island. There’d be an exclusive resort boasting a maximum of ten villa style apartments, each with private spas and in-room chefs. There’d be six floating pontoon villas, the kind celebrities honeymooned at in Asia. He wanted to retain half of the island for himself, and convert part of it to a nature resort, incorporating a cable car to make the most of the sensational views from the top of the dormant volcano at the centre of the island.
It all sounded incredible and Missy knew the island must be spectacular. Nothing could have prepared her though for the sheer, untamed glory of the Mediterranean paradise.
“What is on the island at present?”
“A landing strip, a pontoon, and a residence.” He said, peering out of the window and pointing to a clearing in the trees.
Missy followed his finger’s direction and she exclaimed at the slice of heaven beneath them. “Oh, Nate, it’s so beautiful.”
“You wait until we land,” he teased, spontaneously reaching over and grabbing her hand in his.
Missy tried not to let her consternation show, but the truth was, she wasn’t sure how the simple gesture made her feel. They’d had a wonderful night of out-of-this-world sex, and then Nate had gone away for two days on business. The first she’d heard from him was a crackly mobile phone call about this island, and now, here they were. Since he’d told her they were coming here, she’d agonised over the state of their affair.
Did she want in? Or out? What did it mean? And what about their baby? When, oh, when, would she break that little titbit to him?
Despite running these questions over and over through her mind, she hadn’t come up with a single satisfying answer.
She had, however, put decision-making on the backburner long enough to go and visit her brother at the rehab facility. His progress had filled her heart with joy. He was a different man. Robert, her darling twin, who had taken the loss of their parents, and then their great aunt, so much harder than she had, was finally in a headspace that showed promise.
He was spectacularly clever, savant-like with mathematics. His promising aptitude for all things numerical had made him an easy target for card counters, who had persuaded him to go to the private casinos and rig the tables. For months, he had done so, with no harm befalling him. But grief over losing their beloved great aunt seemed to rob him of self control, and he began to bet, more and more.
He had almost lost the value of a house before Missy found out. She’d had to use all of her savings to bail him out of trouble, and even that wasn’t enough. She sighed with remembered stress, but with effort, she relegated those thoughts to the back of her mind. She had seen her brother, and that was all in the past. He was actually looking for low level accounting jobs – such jobs were far beneath him but it was important to regain his confidence in a fail-safe environment, Missy knew.
The plane touched down with barely a shudder, and a bright red sports car was waiting for them at the edge of the tarmac. Not relinquishing her hand, Nate led Missy to the car and opened the front passenger door. As she slid in, their eyes met, and the promise of sexual desire flowed between them. Her cheeks burned and she had to angle her face down to break the magnetic connection.
With a knowing smile, Nate took the seat beside her. As he drove, Missy watched him from the corner of her eye. He was so manly. Wearing casual jeans and a polo shirt, his tanned forearms were on display, golden and muscular, and she ached to have them wrapped around her. Effortlessly, he navigated the short distance from landing strip to residence, changing the gears of the manual car with ease. His long legs shifted with each gear change and Missy felt her own needs ramping up alongside the car.
“Where have you been the last few days?” She asked, trying to keep her tone casual. She did not want to sound like a jealous nag.
“Have you missed me?”
“I was just making conversation,” she huffed.
He laughed, throwing his head back. It suited him, happiness. She liked it when he was care-free.
Again, he took her hand in his, just for the briefest of moments, before returnin
g to the gear box. “I had some business up north,” he said, his voice giving nothing away. Then again, Nate Anderson had business all over the world; it didn’t surprise her that he would need to go away for a period of time. She just wished she hadn’t missed him so much.
“And you? What have you been up to, Missy, while I’ve been away?”
Did she imagine a suspicious resonance to his tone? No, surely not. She just had a guilty conscience because of the enormous secret she was keeping from him.
“I’ve been digesting every single square inch of every single gallery I can get myself to,” she said truthfully. “I love art.” She went on to explain. “Always have. My parents, though, were not much into the arts, so I...never had the opportunity.”
Nate thought about that. Missy was an enigma to him. For every bit of information she divulged, ten more questions sprang to mind. He had picked up on a certain separation between her and her parents, and yet he didn’t understand it. He knew she was very close to her brother, and yet she dodged any questions about him. Then again, he thought with a small grimace, he was hardly an open book about his family either.
He eased the car into a long, winding stone driveway and up they climbed, along the ridge of a steep hill. It felt like it wound forever, and out of nowhere, Missy was assailed with the certainty that she was going to vomit. “Pull over!” She yelled, gripping the dashboard. He did as she said, casting her a surprised glance. She pushed out of the car and was promptly violently ill over the edge of the mountain. He came to stand beside her, one arm gently rubbing her lower back whilst she emptied the entire lunch she’d consumed over the cliff. She leant against a post, waiting for the nausea to pass, and then returned to the car on legs that were not quite steady. Nate opened the door for her and then handed her a water bottle.