Harden My Hart Page 17
‘So...’ I pretend to consider it for a minute. ‘You’ve got yourself a deal, Holden Hart.’
He grins, a sexy, wolfish smile that lights all my pulse points on fire. ‘Remind me to tell you something funny later.’
‘Tell me now.’
‘Later.’ And he kisses me, driving all thoughts of anything else clear from my head.
* * *
‘You were going to tell me something.’ Her fingers are feather-light on my naked torso. I trap them in my grip, lift them to my mouth and kiss them.
‘My shrink told me.’
‘Told you what?’
‘I was talking about you—’
‘You talk about me with your shrink?’
‘A little.’ I run a hand over her hair, closing my eyes and letting myself soak this up. I came here to Australia without a single shred of hope this would ever work, that she’d still love me, but lying here with Cora I honestly wonder why I ever doubted this. Because we fit together; we’re meant to be. This is as right as anything I’ve ever known in life.
‘What kinds of things do you tell him?’
‘That I love going down on you?’ I can’t help teasing her and she responds by punching me lightly on the arm. I grin.
‘I’m serious.’
‘I wasn’t.’ I return to stroking her hair. ‘Why did your dad call you Cora?’
‘Oh.’ I feel her confusion. ‘I’m not really sure.’
‘Was he into mythology at all?’
‘He did some literature subjects at Yale. Why?’
‘Cora is another version of the name Persephone.’ She props her chin on my chest, her beautiful eyes tunnelling into mine. ‘And Persephone was the much-feared queen of the underworld. Hades’ wife.’
Her smile is slow to spread. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah. He abducted her—as you do—and they lived happily ever after. Hades and Cora, a love for the ages.’
‘Well, that seals it then.’
‘We’ll just have to get married after all. It’s written in the stars.’
I laugh and I kiss her because, even though she’s joking, I believe there’s truth in it too. If I were ever going to believe in myths and magic, I would believe Cora was sent to me, that every part of our falling in love was in some way preordained.
‘And so we shall.’
‘I STILL THINK we could have had a double wedding.’
I’m teasing Cora. It’s one of my favourite pastimes. She pokes her tongue out at me, pressing her hand to mine. In the three months since getting engaged we’ve laughed about lots of places to get married, but ultimately decided to wait until after Theo and Asha’s wedding.
‘I don’t know if I’d want to be compared to Asha on my wedding day.’ She sighs. ‘Doesn’t she look amazing?’
I eye Theo and Asha. Their happiness is so apparent—the kind of happiness I would have resented twelve months ago, before I found Cora and my own heart’s desire.
‘You kidding? She can’t hold a candle to you.’ I lean closer. ‘No one can, Persephone.’
She flips a smile up at me. The day is perfect. Sunshine, clear skies, everything just as it ought to be. The ceremony was simple and short and now, in the grounds of Asha’s vineyard in the Loire Valley, it feels as though life is full of all that is good and right.
A little shape hurtles between my legs and I look down to see Felicity there, her tentative steps no encumbrance to speed. I scoop down and pick her up, throwing her into the sky so she giggles, the sound so rich with happiness that I laugh in response—how can I not?
‘What are you up to, Mischief?’ Cora leans towards her, tickling her tummy so Felicity laughs again and I look at Cora, capturing this moment and trapping it in my mind. It’s strange how I didn’t think of Felicity as ‘mine’, a part of me, when she was first born. I got so caught up on the biology of our blood relationship—or lack thereof—that I didn’t understand. I love her. She’s a part of my family, just as Cora loves her despite the fact they don’t share blood.
I find my old thoughts and behaviours completely foreign now. A year with Cora, a year of happiness, has shaped my opinions so differently. They are almost the complete opposite to what they once were. I may never know the truth of my parentage, I may never understand why Ryan chose to raise me, but I can look at his decision with gratitude now. He did love me, in his own selfish way. He gave me a good home but, more importantly, he gave me brothers, and without them I don’t know who or where I’d be.
‘You’re buzzing.’ Cora smiles up at me and I’m so wrapped up in my own thoughts it takes me a moment to hear her, let alone comprehend what she’s saying.
I reach into my pocket, pulling my phone out.
‘Hold her?’ But I pause to blow a raspberry on Felicity’s tummy before handing her to Cora. I take a few steps away, lifting the phone to my ear.
‘Holden Hart.’
‘Holden? It’s Dominic.’
I frown, for a moment, forgetting that I even know someone called Dominic. How long has it been since I thought about the investigator I engaged for ever ago to find out about my birth father? But my blood runs cold now because I cancelled his contract almost a year ago, and so for him to be calling...
‘What is it?’
I move further away, throwing a look over my shoulder. Cora is talking to Jagger and Grace. My family. I grip the phone more tightly, unsure how I’m going to take the news I’m sure I’m about to receive.
‘I’ve had something come across my desk just now.’ His accent is thick Cockney. ‘Something I wanted to let you know about.’
It’s my father. He’s found him.
‘Go on.’
‘Still no luck on your dad.’
I close my eyes, surprised by the flash of disappointment that overtakes me.
‘Have you heard of a woman called Savannah Maxwell?’
I frown, and now when I look at Cora it’s with a blade of worry. How many women was I with before her? What if this Savannah is one of them? What if there’s something from my past about to reach into my future and grip it by the throat?
But Cora looks at me and smiles at that exact moment, so I relax, because I know how she loves me—just like I love her. There’s nothing from my past that could hurt us. She accepts me—all of my past pitfalls, everything.
‘I’m not surprised. She died about fifteen years ago.’
‘So why are you telling me this?’
‘The thing is, she left behind a little girl. A fourteen-year-old called Avery Maxwell. Holden, there’s no easy way to tell you this. She’s Ryan Hart’s daughter.’
All my breath leaves my body. My brain explodes against the inside of my skull. ‘What did you say?’
‘It’s a long story. She submitted to DNA testing for a little girl who needed a bone marrow transplant. I have access to the database. The results pinged—I had an alert set up from when I was working on your case. I did a bit of digging and it’s true, beyond a shadow of a doubt. She’s Ryan’s daughter.’
‘Jesus Christ. Does she know?’
My heart is slamming into my ribs. I turn around. All my family are together now. Theo and Asha, Jagger, Grace, Felicity and my reason for being, Cora.
‘I don’t know. The father’s not listed on her birth certificate, and she grew up pretty broke, then went into foster care after Savannah died. I’d have to think if she knew about your family she’d have made contact. Or that someone would have.’
‘Jesus Christ,’ I repeat, dragging a hand through my hair. I’m aware of Theo’s eyes on me and wonder if I look as shocked as I feel. I must, because he says something and they start to walk towards me, all the people I love most in the world.
you email me everything you’ve got?’
‘Already done.’
‘Thanks, Dominic. I appreciate it.’
I disconnect the call just as Theo reaches me. ‘What is it?’ No preamble, no bullshit.
‘Where’s Barrett?’
Jagger looks around, points to our friend. He’s at the bar, two beautiful women talking to him. That figures. The guy never met a woman he couldn’t charm.
‘I need him.’
‘I’ll go.’ Theo steps away and we stand silently, only Cora moves, putting her hand in the crook of my arm, her eyes scanning my face with concern.
A moment later, Theo and Barrett are back. ‘This better be important.’ Barrett grins. ‘I was having quite a nice conversation with Mandy and Louise.’
Jagger rolls his eyes, but they’re relaxed. They don’t get this.
‘Barrett, have you ever heard of a woman called Savannah Maxwell?’
His expression shifts. He shakes his head, his brows lifting. ‘Should I have?’
I expel a soft breath. ‘That investigator I hired just called. Apparently, not only am I not your biological sibling, but it turns out Ryan did have another kid. A daughter.’
‘What the hell?’ Theo’s voice is quiet, but deep with anger. ‘That can’t be right.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘The investigator says it’s fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have a half-sister out there, and I don’t think she knows anything about us.’
‘For crying out loud,’ Jagger explodes, shaking his head. ‘If our father was alive, I’d kill him.’
Grace lifts a hand to his shoulder, her eyes awash with compassion. ‘What do you know about her?’
I lift my phone out of my pocket and open the email, scanning it quickly. ‘She’s twenty-eight, lives in San Francisco.’ I keep scanning the email. ‘Runs a successful tech start-up and also founded a charity supplying homeless people with sanitary goods.’
‘So she has no idea about us?’
‘I don’t think so.’ I turn to Barrett, frowning. ‘But I want to find out for sure.’
‘So give her a call,’ he says, as though it’s that simple.
But Theo’s on my wavelength. ‘No, it can’t be one of us. It’s too risky.’
‘What risk?’ Grace prompts.
‘Because she might hear she’s a Hart and decide she wants to lay claim to a quarter of Hart Brothers Industries,’ Asha says gently, her own position as heiress to one of the world’s largest textile manufacturers giving her a unique perspective on this.
‘She’d have legal grounds,’ Barrett adds in a considering tone.
‘It’s not just that,’ I insist. ‘If she’s Ryan’s child then she has that right.’ I square my shoulders. ‘Hell, some could argue she has a considerably greater right than I do.’
‘Not this again.’ Jagger shakes his head.
‘We need to know what we’re dealing with.’ Theo cuts over Jagger, his words echoing my thoughts.
‘Yeah.’ Jagger nods.
We each turn to look at Barrett simultaneously. ‘If only there was someone impartial we could send.’
Barrett’s eyes widen. ‘You can’t seriously be suggesting—’
‘Come on, Sir Barrett.’ We only invoke his title when we want to tease him. ‘You’re the perfect man for the job.’
‘Oh? Why’s that?’
‘Because you know our family inside and out, you knew Ryan almost as well as we did. Because you’re a lawyer, and a damned good one, so you’ll know how to protect us. And because we trust you,’ I add, the final caveat by far the most important. Trust doesn’t come easily to any of us, but Barrett has it in spades.
‘Please,’ Grace adds, sending us a look of kind admonishment.
‘Yeah, right. Please.’ I nod. ‘Go to San Fran, find out what you can about her and report back. Simple.’
He narrows his eyes for a moment, so I hold my breath, wondering if he might be going to say no. But after a moment he grins, a look of total acceptance. ‘Fine. But only because I love you guys like brothers.’
Meanwhile, two weeks later, San Francisco
The music forms a pulse in my veins, the beat deep and throbbing. I look around the exclusive bar, mojito in one hand, clutch purse in the other. The thin strap of my dress drops a little over one shoulder; I don’t bother to catch it.
The day has been a stinker. Baking hot, with barely a hint of relief coming in off the Bay. Even a dip in my infinity pool didn’t cool me down and here in this club, the press of bodies, the tightness of space combine to make my skin lightly sheened in perspiration.
But I’m not leaving, not yet. I look around, considering my options. A hot guy near the bar lifts his drink, silently inviting me to join him. He’s gorgeous but a bit fussy, his hair a little too styled, his look a bit too contrived. Then again, there’s the cowboy I was talking to earlier, straight out of Texas, all faded jeans and plaid shirt. It’s unusual to find a guy like him in a place like this—but in talking to him I learned his dad’s an oil baron. Makes more sense.
I continue to peruse the bar until my eyes skate past someone—at first—and then skim back. A man is watching me. I narrow my eyes, trying to determine if I’ve met him before.
He’s handsome, so it’s possible we’ve hooked up and I’ve forgotten, but no. I’m sure I’d remember him. His jaw is square, covered in stubble, his face autocratic and symmetrical, his skin has a golden tan and his hair is a deep brown with a slight wave. He has an air of authority in his bearing, from the way he’s sitting, so straight and controlled, to the breadth of his shoulders. He’s wearing a suit, definitely bespoke, and hand-made shoes.
My lip curls with a hint of derision, because while there’s a chance he’s self-made there’s also a greater probability he’s some kind of entitled rich kid, living off his trust fund, wasting money on big boy clothes. Nonetheless, I’m intrigued enough to return his stare dead-on, lifting my drink and draining it until it’s empty.
I sashay towards the bar, not taking my eyes off him, and as I draw closer I lift my lips into a slow smile, loaded with sensual promise.
Rich kid or not, I’m not looking for anything more than one night. It’s my tradition—how I mark this date every year—and he looks like he’d at least be good in bed. Then again, that’s hard to know for sure—lots of hot guys have been total disappointments in the sack.
‘Hi there.’ I flash him a megawatt smile now and I see the way his expression shifts, speculation in his eyes.
‘Hi. How are you?’ An English accent, very plummy, very formal. Definitely rich kid.
‘Let me guess...’ I murmur. ‘You’re a lord.’
He shoots up one brow and my stomach twists because he’s incredibly handsome and, up close, he’s also very charming. His skin is tanned but he has some freckles across his nose, freckles that speak of a life spent outdoors. His hair is a deep brown with natural highlights at the side, and there’s warmth in his features, a look of complete kindness that I can’t help but recognise.
‘Close. Earl.’
‘Earl what?’ he prompts, expecting me to somehow intuit his title.
‘Well...’ I purr in response. ‘Now, that’s a little harder.’
‘Have a drink and I’ll drop some hints.’
He gestures to the seat beside him but I don’t take it. Instead, I move closer, so I’m standing within the void created by his legs. ‘I’ll have another mojito.’
A frown flashes across his face but then he smiles, lifts a hand and orders our drinks. I don’t know what his name is or why he’s here in San Fran, in this bar talking to me, but before midnight I’m going to have my wicked way with him—Happy birthday to me.
* * *
If you enjoyed Harden My Hart by Clare Connelly,
look out for the rest of the stories in
The Notorious Harts series,
Cross My Hart
Burn My Hart
Harden My Hart
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